Spring festival at Villa Cortese, laughter and fun for the first edition - LegnanoNews

2022-05-28 20:23:20 By : Ms. Angela Lu

Follow the news of your cityComment on the articles of LegnanoNewsSuccessful first edition of the "Spring Festival" at Villa Cortese.Adults and children animated the Mazzucchelli and Carroccio squares for the special spring initiative organized by the "Table Events" which also saw Pompieropoli.Numerous children and teenagers have ventured into the paths created by the Legnano fire brigade. "Many very young people have tried the tools of the trade - says the mayor Alessandro Barlocco -, they got into the driver's seat of the" mythical "red and white rescue vehicles .An important moment of lightheartedness for everyone and for which we thank the men of the Legnano detachment ».In the meantime in piazza carroccio there was a continuous coming and going of people walking among the stalls of the hobbyists or enjoying the delicacies of all the traders who participated in the event.Many then stopped in the courtyard of the town hall to admire the works created by the painters of the Antonello da Messina association and by young villacortesini artists and designers."A big thank you to all those who contributed to the success of this first Spring Festival - says the mayor with satisfaction - it was a great opportunity to return to party together".Log in or register to comment on this article.The email is required but will not be shown to visitors.The content of this comment expresses the author's thought and does not represent the editorial line of VareseNews.it, which remains autonomous and independent.The messages included in the comments are not journalistic texts, but posts sent by individual readers that can be automatically published without prior filtering.Comments that include one or more links to external sites will be automatically removed from the system.Legnanonews.com Local information site Responsible director: Marco Tajè Registration at the Court of Milan n ° 639 of 23/10/08 Editorial office: Via Matteotti, 3 (at the Legnanese family) 20025 Legnano (MI) Cell .: +39.393.9013760 Email Management: director@legnanonews.com Email Editor: info@legnanonews.com Advertising: commerciale@legnanonews.com All original contents are the property of LegnanoNews, its use is permitted, citing the site as a source.The source is cited for non-original content.Copyright © 2016 - 2022 - LegnanoNews - Property of Professional Network srl - VAT number 03068650120 Imp. Cookie - Cookie - PrivacyNot registered?Click hereDid you forget your password?Click here