Good news for Ballinamore Primary School - Leitrim Live

2022-09-17 01:24:13 By : Mr. Andrew Wei

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Scoil Chlann Naofa, Ballinamore has been approved for the construction for five mainstream classrooms.

The town school, which amalgamated the former girls and boys schools into the previous St Fatima Secondary School a few years ago are delighted with the news to future proof the school.

The Department of Education has approved the construction of five mainstream classrooms, two Special Educational Needs  Bases, additional Special Educational rooms, toilet blocks and storage rooms. These will replace the prefab structure to the rear of the school. The school are currently in the process of appointing a design team for the project. 

The school has seen an influx of new students recently, 31 Junior Infants started in the school this month.

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