Lake and McHenry County Scanner
County officials say a stretch of Monaville Road in Lake Villa has reopened after crews closed the road for an emergency culvert repair almost two months ago.
The culvert is located on Monaville Road just west of Cedar Lake Road in Lake Villa.
Signs of a potential culvert failure were noticed on April 13 during a routine road inspection by Lake County Division of Transportation maintenance personnel.
The Lake County Division of Transportation closed Monaville Road to through traffic from Fairfield Road to Cedar Lake Road.
A signed detour was put into place while repairs were being scheduled, officials said.
The culvert was installed in 1988 and a project had been scheduled to replace it later in 2022, the transportation division said.
The contractor has since set the new precast box culvert.
After the culvert was set, crews installed reinforcement bars, poured the concrete wall in two stages which cured over Memorial Day weekend and installed a waterproof barrier.
The road has since been paved and was reopened Tuesday afternoon, the transportation division said.
Minor grading, guardrail installation and landscaping work are still in progress.
“We thank everyone for their patience while the road was closed. We also thank the contractor that worked in the rain and on weekends to keep the project moving forward,” the transportation division said on Tuesday.
Motorists are asked to watch for workers while driving in this area in the coming weeks.
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