Chichester College issues statement after residents voice concerns over felling of 27 trees
Mum's anguish as four-year-old goes missing from nursery near Horsham
BI/22/01918/FUL: Birdham Straight House, Main Road. Removal of single storey sunroom to existing house and construction of 5 no. two storey houses together with garages, parking and revised access arrangements.
BO/22/01847/FUL: Sailaway Rest Home, Main Road. Alterations to internal layout to create 10 no. supported living units (Class C2) (following on from planning permission BO/21/00211/FUL).
CC/22/01831/PA14J: Teknoflex Limited, Quarry Lane. Installation of solar panels on the east and west elevations of the pitched roof.
CC/22/01931/DOM: 101 Kingsham Road. Replacement of existing conservatory with single storey rear extension and new single storey front extension.
CC/22/01982/FUL: Rawmere, Rew Lane. Installation of 26 ground mounted solar panels in adjacent field.
CC/22/02033/FUL: 71-72 East Street. Decoration of shopfront, new fascia signage, interior fit-out of ground floor shop unit, decorations and installation of new stock room racking and shelving on 1st floor and replacement air conditioning condenser units on 2nd floor/flat roof area.
CC/22/02034/LBC: 71-72 East Street. Decoration of shopfront, new fascia signage, interior fit-out of ground floor shop unit, decorations and installation of new stock room racking and shelving on 1st floor and replacement air conditioning condenser units on 2nd floor/flat roof area.
CC/22/02081/DOM: Northwood, Chestnut Avenue. Proposed single storey side extension and insertion of additional ground floor window to southern elevation.
CC/22/02117/FUL: 77D St Pancras. Change of use from B1(a) to Newsagents A1.
CC/22/02139/DOM: Longmeadow, Pine Grove. New cladding, clay tile roof, windows, roof light, porch, rear dormer on roof and chimney removal.
CC/22/02177/DOM: 74 Victoria Road. New detached garage.
CC/22/02197/DOM: Tibur, Fordwater Road. New shed base (retrospective), and proposed 1 no. new garden shed.
CC/22/02204/TCA: 7 Stanton Drive. Notification of intention to height reduce by 6m, reduce south sector by 4.5m, north sector by 4m and east and west sectors by 1.5m on 1 no. Sycamore tree (T1).
CC/22/02256/TPA: 16 Lime Close. Re-pollard (to previous points) on 1 no. Lime tree (T12) subject to CC/59/00148/TPO.
CH/22/02215/DOM: Tithe Barn, Cot Lane, Chidham. External alterations to former cartshed south store and kitchen and to existing east window and door screens. New windows to cartshed west wall. New rooflight to link roof. Solar panels to garden shed roof. Internal alterations to cartshed to west wall, to existing south stair and to kitchen and bathroom.
CH/22/02216/LBC: Tithe Barn, Cot Lane, Chidham. External alterations to former cartshed south store and kitchen and to existing east window and door screens. New windows to cartshed west wall. New rooflight to link roof. Solar panels to garden shed roof. Internal alterations to cartshed to west wall, to existing south stair and to kitchen and bathroom.
SDNP/22/03941/HOUS: St Catherine's Barn, A286 The Croft To Bex Lane, Cocking Causeway. Replace storage container with an outbuilding for ancillary storage use.
EWB/22/02190/COU: Holdens Caravan Park, Bracklesham Lane, Bracklesham. Use of permitted holiday caravans throughout the year, subject to their occupation being limited to holiday use only (Variation of conditions 3 and 4 from planning permission EWB/03/03266/COU - To enable caravans at pitches 26, 182, 393 and 518 to be occupied by staff in addition to Barnside caravan adjacent to office).
SDNP/22/02611/FUL: Land South of Capels Cottages, Ebernoe Road, Balls Cross. Replacement of septic tank with sewage treatment plant.
SDNP/22/03025/FUL: 9 and 10 Hillside Cottages, Downs Road, West Stoke. Extension of porch roof to the eastern elevation and alterations to porch to northern elevation.
SDNP/22/03987/TCA: Rose Cottage, B2178 Southbrook Road to Moutheys Lane, East Ashling. Notification of intention to fell 1 no. Ash tree (T1).
SDNP/22/03798/HOUS: Ladywell Cottage, Graffham Street. Single storey rear/side extension, replacement windows, removal of modern fireplace and extension of chimney stack to south elevation.
KD/22/02205/TCA: Foresters Arms, Village Road. Notification of intention to fell 1 no. Ash tree.
SDNP/22/03942/TCA: Grafton House, Wool Lane. Notification of intention to fell 1 no. Hawthorn tree.
NM/22/02191/OUT: Charmans Field, Marsh Lane, Runcton. Outline planning application (with all matters reserved except access) for the development of up to 94 residential dwellings, new access from Lagness Road, public open space, landscaping, sustainable urban drainage and associated works including new footway and cycleway links.
SDNP/22/04032/APNB: Land West of Copygrove Cottage, A283 Valentines Lea to Valentines Hill, Valentines Hill. Proposed secure lock-up for woodland management.
O/22/02041/REM: Former Fuel Depot, Bognor Road, Chichester. Application for the approval of all remaining reserved matters (Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale) for the first phase of development following Outline Planning Permission O/19/00619/OUT (as amended by non-material amendment applications O/21/01838/NMA and O/22/00022/NMA) for mixed-use redevelopment of the site, comprising of Class B1(c)/B2/B8 (with ancillary Trade Counter) employment, a Hotel, Class D2 Leisure, Class A3, mixed A3-A4 and mixed A3-A5 Food and Drink Establishments, together with associated car parking, landscaping and infrastructure works.
O/22/02134/TPA: 2 Silver Lakes, Drayton Lane. Fell 1 no. Oak tree (T1). Subject to O/08/00126/TPO.
SDNP/22/03307/HOUS: 1 Hill View Cottages, London Road. Proposed single storey rear and side extensions.
SY/22/02055/DOM: 6 Dennys Close. Proposed replacement single storey rear extension and internal alterations.
SY/22/02093/FUL: Selsey Press Limited, 84 High Street. Installation of 170 x 385W solar panels onto main building roofs, total 65.45kw subject to DNO approval.
SY/22/02188/DOM: 4 Chichester Way. Reconstruct hipped roof to half-gable roof. Add dormer to existing loft conversion alongside internal alterations.
SI/22/01540/DOM: Orchards, Selsey Road. Erection of a detached garden building/ studio, with ASHP and solar panels built onto roof finish and battery storage.
SI/22/01971/FUL: Paddock Service Station, Selsey Road. Formation of 2 no. self-service car wash bays.
SI/22/02131/PA3Q: 37 Chalk Lane. Change of use of agricultural building to 2 no. three-bedroom dwellings (C3 Use Class).
SB/22/02132/DOM: 7 West View Cottages, South Lane. Double storey rear extension, front porch and side bay window, amendment to permission SB/21/02791/DOM reconfigured windows.
WI/22/02130/FUL: Orchard House, Orchard Lane, Itchenor. Replacement dwelling, outbuildings and associated works (Variation of condition 2 from planning permission WI/22/00374/FUL - Amendments to outbuilding/pool house).
WI/22/02209/DOM: West Winds, Itchenor Road. Demolition of existing garage and side extension. Construction of new matching two storey side/rear extension; single storey rear extension; and front porch extension. New free standing traditional barn 'style' garage to front - Variation of Condition 2 of householder permission WI/21/00012/DOM - Changes to fenestration.
WW/22/01960/DOM: White Gates, 44 Marine Drive. First floor balcony to flat roof on south elevation; full height timber privacy screens to east and west flanks. Glass canopy over side access door and rear access door.
WW/22/02031/DOM: Sunningdale, Chichester Road. Demolition of existing rear conservatory and construction of a two storey rear extension, new side porch and internal alterations, new garage with office above.
WW/22/02096/TCA: West Wittering Parochial CE School, Pound Road. Notification of intention to crown reduce (back to old pollard points) and remove basal epicormic growth on 2 no. Lime trees (T1 & T2) and reduce 4 no. branches by 2.5m on northern sector (overhanging the highway) on 1 no. Acacia tree (T4).
WW/22/02224/DOM: 5 Locksash Close. Replace existing conservatory with proposed single storey rear extension and alterations.
WH/22/02218/FUL: Goodwood Motor Circuit, Claypit Lane. Erection of single-storey heritage workshop (translocated from another site).