Known principally for his involvement in rock, Cathal Coughlan saw himself as belonging to the wider tradition of chanson: lyric-driven songs. Photograph: Bleddyn Butcher
Cathal Coughlan, who has died at the age of 61, following a long illness, was among the foremost singers and songwr
Designed so that you can have a cabin in the woods, a house on the lake, or a property on the beach whenever you want, the Time Holiday is a mobile home that’s focused on what designer Chester Goh calls ‘futuristic sustainability… or basically architecture that’s nomadi
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MARION — Marion is reaching out to residents to join a building committee being formed for the Department of Public Works facility.
This committee will be composed of residents of Marion, staff from the DPW and the Town Administrator.
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Dear Amy: My son and his girlfriend just announced their plans to marry this year. It is the first marriage for both of them and we couldn’t be happier.
We were very surprised, however, when they asked us what contribution we would make toward the wedding.
I had always understood
A prefabricated steel structure for warehouse buildings is usually composed of steel beams, steel columns, steel truss, and other components made of section steel and steel plates. Each part connected by welds, bolts, or rivets. But why even choose prefabricated steel structure warehousing as